
Welcome To MumChat

We’re delighted to have you here! Mumchat is a place to make friends, join groups, chat in our live chat room and find out about great deals for mums.

Enjoy your time on the site!

About MumChat

Live Chatroom – Make friends in our live chatrooms

Groups – Join online groups based on common interests, topics and locations

Forums – Interact with others across a while variety of topics on our forums

Events – Find out about all sorts of events taking place both online and in-person

Social Streams – Check out out hand picked content from our favorite social media creators

Earn money – Get paid and win prizes by interacting with our site

Live Chat

Chat with other mums in a live “whats app” style chat room. Join existing rooms or create your own”


Join and create groups based on common interests, locations, hobbies. Join and make new friends!


Find out about events in your area as well as online events. Discounts available to Mumchat users

Business Directory

Directory of businesses across the UK focussed on mums/families/children.
Discounts available for mumchat users!

Win money & prizes!!

Earn money and prizes just for contributing to the site! Lots of prizes on offer from our partners and sponsors


Read and contribute to our forums across a whole range of subjects and current affairs. No topics are out of bounds!!

Get paid to participate

Earn points, prizes and money for contributing to the site.

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